
Frequently Asked Questions

Information and Clarification About Our Exclusive Local Partnership Program
How does this program drive direct bookings?

The Exclusive Local Partnership program is a Turnkey marketing and distributino program that works by using a combination of database marketing, and cross-market promotion,

Prospective travelers are delivered marketing messages about destinations, and lodging options based on their past history, where they live, and previous actions.

Why is there only one Property Manager chosen for each destination?

We've decided that the best way to provide the guest with the best booking experience is to partner with leading local Property Managers whom we know can deliver!  While the OTAs goal is to get the MOST inventory - our goal is to get the best inventory - which includes great breadth and depth from one company.    Our platform is NOT a franchise or co-op platform, but it ends up having some of those benefits as we promote destinations that make sense to a prospective traveler.  

Please note, that in very large travel markets (NW Florida, Orlando, Hawaii, and a handful of others, we have a non-exclusive structure, as we found that the inventory from even the largest local company doesn't provide the guest with enough choice.  But in YOUR market, we will only select one company.

It's important that my customer lists are not used by anyone else. Can anyone see or use my data?

Each client company of TravelPoint's data is securely siloed on the TravelPoint platform - preventing anyone else from seeing or using your data.

How does TravelPoint get all of this useful data to create a traveler profile?

In the same manner as KFC doesn't share it's recipe, we don't share all of our proprietary ways of how we build our profiles.  However, we do use information that's provided in historic inquiry and bookings records to create a profile.

For example, an inquiry/booking record from a guest named Sarah who inquires in July for a Christmas booking, from area code 214, and is traveling with 2 adults and 3 children allows us to commence on building a profile about that person.  We then append records with a variety of third-party data, to include multiple demographic and behavioral values to provide a lot more information to allow our clients to target their guests effectively.

How do we add additional guest and inquiry records?

Since every company has different data structures, we customize the ongoing importing of new and updated data on a schedule that makes sense for your business.  Files are uploaded to our secure server and encrypted.

I have my data in all sorts of electronic formats from a variety of systems. Can this work in TravelPoint?

YES!  We have seen everything - from impeccably formatted data with robust detail, so receiving Excel/CSV files from a variety of lists and channels.  Part of our onboarding process is to take all data from all formats, and normalize it, standardize it, de-dupe it and bring it all into TravelPoint in an easy-to-use structure from which advanced analytics and searches can take place.  We promise to make it easy - we've seen it all!

Does TravePoint provide me with new prospects - am I "buying lists"?

TravelPoint users only have access to their own historic booking and inquiry data - but it's structured and appended to allow for very effective targeting.  No other company has access to your records as they are securely siloed in our platform.

Many companies often forget to target previous travelers who INQUIRED - but didn't book.  While they may not be a repeat guest of yours, they are a repeat traveler who has expressed demand for your services in your area, and is in fact, a highly qualified prospect.

If I choose to end my parternship, what happens to all of my data?

We take data privacy and data ownership very seriously.  The first step is data is provided to us using our secure server where the data is encrypted when uploaded. 

After our IT department standardizes, normalizes and imports your data, all import files will be deleted, and you will receive an affidavit saying that the import files were permanently deleted.  

While you are a client of TravelPoint, only members of your company will have access to records that you own.  If you end your subscription, you will receive a CSV file of all of your records - with the export fields: email, first name, last name, phone number, mobile phone.  While we append your records with dozens of valuable fields of data that are used for targeting, use of these data points is reserved solely while you are a paying subscriber.  Your records will be deleted, and you'll receive an affidavit from our IT department confirming their deletion.  

A Frequently Asked Question?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.